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zaterdag 26 juni 2010

Ardbeg Supernova 2010

Sinds 25 juni is hij bij de Mitra in Hoorn te koop: de nieuwe Ardbeg 2010. Alleen voor degenen die hem zelf komen ophalen. Beperkte voorraad en OP = OP

The Whisky Tasting Club has tasted the new Supernova going on sale next week. Dominic was sent a sample. Dominic says:

"Ardbeg Supernova is significantly different to the first bottling but an absolute stunner all the same. It’s a train track whisky, with one rail massively peated, peppery and hot, and the other fudge-like, soft and with banana toffee notes. At a hefty 60.1% ABV it warrants sipping without water but explodes in to a complex oral rainbow with a touch of water. Quite wonderful."

Tony bought a bottle at the festival, he says "hmmm, peaty and very strong, my favorite. I have to say though, at £82 its very expensive, damn you collectors!"

Update 27 september 2010

Van een collega heb ik nog wat flessen onvangen en de importeur vertelde mij dat het een waar collector's item is.

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